Saturday, February 7, 2009

Get the Message Out There

Long before the day of radio broadcasts, podcasts, and videos, Jesus was a great storyteller, We all know how the movie industry has portrayed Christ in a long white robe, hair glowing in the sun, happy shining people seated and listening intently. I am not so sure that was the actual scene, due to the size of the crowd and a distinct lack of microphones. Instead, I think he utilized the platform of a large rock and there was a lot of row to row murmuring going on. Don't you wonder if the disciples were placed around for crowd control, or maybe to answer questions in individual groups? Talk about social networking. I can't help but think the hillside hang was pretty great though due to the fact it was Christ's main platform for communications. It was intensely popular and Jesus had to resort to the unexpected like teaching from a boat, pushed back from the crowd.

What we have on the record about his teaching style is a typically visual story told to reveal the heart and mind of God. Jesus used common lifestyle stories with an eternal twist. Not all of them were bedtime stories. Some were very challenging, but woven into a familiar narrative.

So today, we have a no hillside hangouts. We have rallies, concerts, and even chatrooms where we can communicate the good word. Our culture still likes a great story. No matter what tough times comes along with our economy, movie theaters stay full for a great flick. We who believe in the unfathomable God of the Universe, have a rich resource for ideas and concepts to tell our stories. Get edgy and post something on Facebook that says you are a Jesus person. Be bold in your faith and pass it along. Write a song, an essay, paint a painting, create a dance, just do it. Today, think about what you can do to tell the story. It is about telling your story, God's story through your life. It's a lot easier than sitting in the grass, swatting at gnats, and straining your voice to be heard. Each of us have our own hillside. Stand up and be heard.
ICorinthians 14:26
So here's what I want you to do. When you gather for worship, each one of you be prepared with something that will be useful for all: Sing a hymn, teach a lesson, tell a story, lead a prayer, provide an insight. ...

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